We recently witnessed another one of life’s embarrassing and metaphorical moments.
We were about to enter the restaurant where we were meeting friends for dinner.
In front of us was a thoughtful husband sweetly holding the door open for his wife.
She smiled and began to walk through.
I think someone’s feet got in the way, because the door stopped opening just as the woman hit full stride.
Her forehead smacked hard into the edge of the door.
She bent over, face scrunched up in pain, as her husband’s eyes widened in surprise and worry.
The owner of the restaurant quickly and discreetly offered to get an ice pack, which the woman declined as she parted her bangs and asked her husband to tell her how bad it looked.
I felt for her, for the pain, the embarrassment, the possible black and blue lump she’ll be explaining.
However, I was struck at how that unexpected pounding reminded me of life in general.
Sometimes we turn a corner in our very ordinary days only to run smack dab into something that really throws us for a loop.
My newest post at Engaged Marriage shares how to take a fresh look at different areas of our life and includes practical tips on how to build up our defenses.
While we can’t avoid all problems, we can certainly work to lessen the impact.
I invite you over to Engaged Marriage to read the rest, for a thoughtful and tasty look at your Pie of Life, and what you can do to keep it as sweet and smooth as possible.
I have shut off comments here so we can have our discussion over at Dustin’s place.
Click here to join me –> Life is pounding at the door. Are you ready?