Have you gone from stretching out in the hammock to being stretched tighter than a rubber band?
Transitioning from one season to another can have that effect, whether you are moving cross country, becoming a parent, or getting the kids ready for another school year.
We want to hang on to that bright and lemonadey, slow and swingy, kayak and paddley season, and we will keep a anchor-like grip on the last green leaf and hold our hot and sandy summer breath until it returns.
Alas, that is not an option.
What we do at these crossroads, however, is often counter-productive.
We hide under the bed, blow up at our families, or run wildly from task to task trying to accomplish everything all at once.
That never ends well, does it?
I found myself there just this morning.
We are continuing to pack for our move to Tennessee in two weeks, we’ve had good-bye gatherings with our families this past week and weekend—loads of fun, didn’t get too much of my other stuff done— and I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get everything in place ready for an almost week long stay with my daughter’s family—yes, that means spending time with the new granddaughter: Squee!!!
As I sat here breathing into a paper bag thinking I need to clone myself several times over to meet my multiple deadlines, I realized I have got to find a solution before I become a permanent commuter on the crazy train.
Because then I wouldn’t be allowed to hold the newest member of the family.
By the way, the photo above was taken by the gifted and delightful Beth Oram, whose tagline is Capturing Happy. How could I not love her just knowing that?
I forced myself to sit still, take a deep breath and think.
And I remembered writing about being overwhelmed and how to find more peace of mind.
Yes, sometimes I have to remember to actually take my own advice.
In honor of my near-miraculous retreat from the edge of meltdown, I am sharing those tips and tools again. Just so you know, I used #1 and #2 to significantly reduce my stress level.
I am sharing, too, for moms like Lisa at Dose of Reality who are waiting for the other (dance) shoe to drop and in honor of Fierce Diva Ilene and photographer/writer Tamara who actually did slow down to take a deep drink of joy.
Plus, Jeff Goins reminded me of his challenge to slow down. Take a moment to breathe. As Jeff says, life is not a race!
Even if you read my words last year, I encourage you to go over them again fresh eyes, with the wisdom you’ve gained and the changes you’ve experienced in your life this past year.
You may very well find a different perspective and tool to help you find the time to happily stop and smell the roses!
Come on over and de-stress: Overwhelmed? 6 Steps to More Peace of Mind
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. ~John 14:27 (NLT)
Question: What is your greatest challenge to stopping and smelling the roses? I’d love to have you share your thoughts. You just don’t know who you might encourage or how someone else might encourage you!
Sharing at Soli Deo Gloria
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Twitter: mjwallace3
What a sweet picture!!! I know you are so proud! I’m so glad you posted this with the older links. I have been a crazy Mama lately and it is time to slow down and get it together.

Hugs to you! Melissa
Melissa recently posted…Step Out~Trust God~Go Deeper
Thanks, Melissa! Glad you enjoyed the links. Just one baby step at a time, Melissa, will get us where we are going.
Twitter: fiercedivablog
I loved your 6 steps post today as much as I loved it last year. Building margin. So simple. So life changing. Thank you my friend. xo
Ilene recently posted…Old Friends We’ve Just Met
I’m glad you found this just as helpful, Ilene. It is simple and life-changing, but we have to slow down enough to notice and take action.
Twitter: flowerlady77
and how did you know I needed this today?
Lani recently posted…In need of a little grace….
Glad to be of service, Lani. We can all pull for each other together.
Actually, I loved reading this one and it came just when I needed it. It’s comforting somehow to know that you are there helping us with our stress when you are in the middle of your own. I am pretty stressed because I have so many projects I need to do and now I am finding myself at the last hour with some of them. This means giving up some of the things I love to do while I catch up with things I haven’t been doing. Making the choice as what to leave undone and what to do get’s complicated. Due to this, I am very stressed. I haven’t had time to smell the roses for a long time. I do need to stop and take a deep breathe and just take a long walk and find the peace in nature.
Blessings and hugs! Good luck on the move and enjoy the precious moments with your new grandchild.
LeAnn, you made my day. It is comforting to know on my end that we are walking our sometimes difficult paths together. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. I wish you the best on taking a few moments to clear your head and lighten your heart so you can choose what works best. Blessings to you!
Twitter: momsfromscratch
{Melinda} Over the last few weeks, life has gotten exciting and busy. With good things. I’m learning to focus on the BEST things instead of trying to do 100 good things halfway. It has been painful, but a very freeing process. I want God’s BEST!
And your newest family member is ADORABLE! Blessings on your move and new adventure!
Mothering From Scratch recently posted…why moms are overwhelmed but won’t ask for help
Twitter: Soulstops
Dear Kim,

I will keep praying for you and your move…so happy you will get to spend time with your granddaughter…may God keep you breathing and filled with His peace…hugs to you
Dolly recently posted…Five Minute Fridays: Small