Seeing—and taking full advantage of—opportunities for gratitude, especially where there don’t seem to be any, will help smooth your journey across the sometimes rocky roads of life. The trick, though, is to notice those opportunities for what they are. Lots of times they’ll look like one thing, but when you change your perspective—Voila!—you see them […]
Showing love is not just for Valentine’s Day
Did you know Valentine’s Day is right around the corner? Oh, right, you probably do, given the constant barrage of guilt-inducing, wallet-breaking, comparison making advertisements that are absolutely everywhere you turn. My hubbie knows too, but he won’t be getting me anything for this red letter holiday. I know it’s possible when you just […]
When a God Wink feels more like a Snakebite
I shook my head in disbelief as I came to grips with the situation: I had somehow landed in a pit of vipers and needed to dispatch with them before they dispatched with me. No, I wasn’t in the jungle, but in a new job, where I had been brought in for my positive attitude, […]
There’s hope in front of you
How many times have you gotten discouraged reviewing the latest events in your life? You probably cherry-picked the worst moments, blew them up into large and excruciatingly awful detail, and stacked them upon all the other examples you could muster of your incredible ineptitude or the impossibility of your situation until the tower tumbled and crashed […]
Leave them better than you found them
I had A Moment yesterday. You know, one those times when someone shares a bit of insight that absolutely rocks you back on your heels. Mine came as I was listening to our pastor preaching on the mystery of marriage. He shared about a bit of advice he received when he introduced his (hopefully) future […]
When Stubborn Pride is Pulling Your Strings
I am well acquainted with Stubborn Pride. I have listened to that wheedling, guilt-inducing voice too many times in my life, and it has never ended well. As a matter of fact, I learned some time ago that when I am really struggling with fear of failure, I can find it lurking nearby, working my emotional […]
Saturday Sips: Encourage the dreamers
I recently wrote about giving your children the freedom to dream and shared an interview I had done with a young man who wished to become a Navy SEAL. Being a parent of any child is difficult, especially when they choose a goal that is challenging, takes a great deal of courage, and […]
Great expectations create happier marriages
If you have hung around here for any length of time, you know I am an optimist. Yes, I struggle with being discouraged, annoyed, and even angry sometimes when things aren’t working out as I had expected. However, I remain overall, a believer in expecting the best. You could say that in my world, […]
How to choose a Mother’s Day gift that hits the heart
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to […]
The peril of being Possibility Impaired
Have you ever heard the expression Possibility Impaired? I hadn’t until I read a real estate book by Gary Eldred. He wrote about home owners who couldn’t see the potential—the possibilities—in their properties. I immediately thought about how applicable this phrase was to so much of our lives. Please allow me share a couple […]