Five Minute Friday-Relevant

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I ask in my prayers to be led, to see a need and fill it, to lend a hand, offer some hope, to help light the way.

What happens is that I see analogies, metaphors and similes everywhere.

They wag at me, like friendly pups, from the pages of books and magazines.

Like an old friend, they’ll just come on in and make themselves at home, similar to the talented women who open their lives to me and invite me in for fellowship and thoughtful conversation through their blogs.

These ladies of grace hold out these marvelous, sweet sugar cube grammatical building blocks that are just too tempting to pass up, and so I gather one or two, or a handful.

Then I use them to create the delicious foundations of my stories.

I take what at first appears to be the unrelated or unimportant, and, God willing, make it relevant for you and me.

A photo of a ship sailing away? I see how we are fearful and too often we settle, that

instead we need to provision our boat, throw off the ropes, and navigate back into the open waters with a plan and a prayer, and we will leave the Island of Settle behind, with a fresh breeze at our backs, an attitude of humble expectation, and God leading the way.

The debris that collects under our dining room tables? I am reminded of the view from down there,

when we are brought to our knees, to the familiar floors of our home, when we can no longer bear the burdens of life by ourselves, because it all becomes too much too carry. We find ourselves huddled against the world with our broken spirits and broken hearts, crying out for help, as we crunch up against dropped Cheerios, stick to a lost Gummy bear, and sense the army of dust bunnies that settles around our aching form.

Ah, yes. I certainly see the world with a fresh perspective, and greet every morning with joyful curiosity, wondering what will appear before my eyes today.

Thank you, dear readers and fellow writers for being a source of inspiration, love, laughter and life lessons.



Postscript: How I love the Five Minute Fridays, and how I also find them to be a regular source of consternation. Often I struggle with the message that appears at my fingertips and how to balance that against the minutes that tick away too quickly. More often than not, the message wins out, and I go a little-sometimes a lot-longer than my 300 seconds. For that, again, I ask forgiveness.


Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday prompts. It’s an opportunity for each of us to stop, drop, and write.
We write bold and beautiful and free. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

Won’t you join us? Follow the link above to read and be encouraged by what others have to share. We’d love to hear from you as well, so feel free to leave a comment today. Thanks for coming by!

Today I am also linked up at No Ordinary Blog Hop.

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  1. This is wonderful- I’m so glad that despite the source of consternation that it provides that you jump in so willingly to the deep end of 5 Minute Friday. So glad I stumbled your way from Lisa-Jo’s today.

  2. Jessica, Thanks for your words of support! Thanks for dropping by. I just love the connections that Lisa-Jo’s Friday creates!

  3. Thank you so much, Kim!!
    How true that the world affords us countless metaphors and similes…if we open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive the messages they convey.
    Beautifully written, as always! May God continue to bless you and all that you do for HIM!

    • Caroline-There is always that caveat that we need to be prepared to see. I have to admit I am not always faithful with that…
      Every day, baby steps, forgiveness, and more baby steps!

  4. And thanks to YOU! You are such a gloriously faithful source of inspiration, motivation, and new perspectives to me, and many of us :-) Thanks, Kim!

    • Hello Anna! You make me blush! Hope things are going well in your corner of the world. Love reading about your adventures.

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