Five Minute Friday-Roar

The knock comes again, at my front door, this time more firm and determined.

I’ve been down these stairs before.

I think that every time it will be different.

That my inner optimistic child, who hears the pounding of our answered prayers, will grab my hand and I will run joyfully right alongside her, to throw open that door, and sing exuberantly in harmony with and in response to the call of the  hopes and happiness and possibilities on my steps.

But, no, my more serious realistic fearful self focuses instead on the roar of the tangled, messy, difficult world beyond, and hesitates again.

Of the “what makes you think that’s achievable?” that whips around my legs and makes progress forward almost impossible.

Of the “how is that idea ever going to take flight?” that pushes hard on my chest and leaves me struggling for the will to continue.

Of the “do you really think anything has changed, that you can really be successful?” that howls in my ears and tries to force me to quit.

Each time, though, when I cover my ears to the cacophony and instead focus on His voice, I realize that there are many knocks I have heard and answered, and I am much further along in my journey than I had previously recognized.

When I walk with Him instead of by my silly independent self, the gale force winds go quiet, and I am enveloped in a valley of peace and light that allows me to move forward a step at a time, and that when I do fall, He is always there to help me up.

To answer another door, another day.


Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. It’s an opportunity for all of us to stop, drop, and write for only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Let your mind and your words and your heart fly free; wild – no editing, no over thinking.

Throw caution to the wind and join us today, whether to write or read. Follow the link above to be encouraged by what others have to share. We’d love to hear from you as well, so feel free to leave a comment today. Thanks for coming by!

Sharing at No Ordinary Blog Hop today

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  1. Beautifully written and so true! He daily gives strength to open those doors we fear to open on our own.

  2. Your beautiful post today encouraged me greatly! Thank you!

  3. Thanks for coming by, Kaye and Rose. I love how we all encourage one another!
    A random amusing note: I used to live on an Oak St, and the next street over was Walnut St. Too funny!

  4. love all the word pictures you’re included here, kim! and i love the idea the picture represents. . . the lighthouse, declaring itself brightly, lighting the way in the midst of our storms.
    thanks for your encouraging words this day!

    • Thanks, Steph. I am humbled and encouraged by your words!
      I love the lighthouse too. I just have to remember to pay attention to the light it shines for me. :-)

  5. I love the imagery you shared! “I am much further along in my journey than I had previously recognized.” Isn’t it so true? Sometimes we focus so much on the tough, uncompleted things that we forget the victories we’ve already had. Thanks for linking up to NOBH today!

    (P.S. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a FMF, I might need to do today’s and make it a play off from my last name — Roer. :) )

  6. Beautifully written and sweetly expressed!

    Thank you, dear Kim! What a lovely reminder to listen to His voice,
    to follow His Light, to walk in His Way – – to “answer another door, another day!”

    Much love in Christ,

  7. Happy New Year Kim – I’m dfelighted you stopped by! Your blog is awesome and I look forward to reading more of your posts! :-)


  8. This gave me goosebumps! You’re such a talented writer, of course……but the door, and the emotions that opening it brings, is something that hits home with me! Why are we so fearful? Don’t we KNOW?! Dont’ we tell people over and over that we have nothing to be afraid of? Isn’t that what we tell people over and over?

    “Just be still,” we tell our friends. “Just listen, wait, learn, meditate, train, strengthen, teach, trust, then receive.” But when it comes to be our turn, we freak out! I just love this blog. It’s one of my favorite places to be online :0)

  9. I love when we realize we realize that we are not alone and don’t need to acknowledge the lies we hear.

  10. Ladies, I am so touched by your words. I need that constant reminder not to be fearful. I so dislike that I am, and as you note, Michelle/Mommareads, we KNOW better. Every day, baby steps, baby steps forward, listen and follow in faith. Michelle, thanks for that reminder. We don’t need to acknowledge the lies we hear. A simple and profound point!

  11. Oh what a beautifully written reminder of the importance of tuning in to hear His voice! I am afraid that too many times I hear the roar of the world, the mocking of Satan. But when I just focus on Him it all becomes so much clearer. Thank you for this post and for linking up with NOBH! Smiles –

  12. Fortified, as I face my battles here . . . thank you for offering this strength-giving post, Kim!

  13. I love the image of this!!!

  14. Thanks for sharing, ladies. There is comfort in knowing that others struggle with this as well, that we can link our virtual arms and move forward together!

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