photo: www.Photobotos.com
Dear Chihuahua of Fear,
I have some things I’d like to say to you.
You showed up on my doorstep unannounced and uninvited a long, long time ago, and I took you in.
How could I not, with those adorable eyes and cute perky ears?
You had a puppy’s firecracker enthusiasm, but I thought you would mellow over time.
Well, years have passed, and you haven’t.
Holley Gerth warned me about you:
“Fear hangs out right next to whatever it is you’re most called to do. That means the closer you get to your calling, the louder fear sounds. Keep going–fear is a chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman.” — You’re Made for a God-sized Dream, Chapter Five
I think you mean well and want to protect me, barking as though the Hound of the Baskervilles is on our step, when it is only a sweet little Girl Scout selling cookies.
You purport to stand between me and sure death, only to find it’s a branch scritch-scratching in the soft evening breeze.
When strangers knock on our door, you repel them, your baying and howling giving wings to their feet as they run away.
But here’s the thing.
I miss my yummy, chocolate, coconutty, caramel Somoas.
I am weary of jumping at every little sound.
But more than anything else, I grow restless—remorseful, even—wondering how many of my dreams have come calling, only to pass on by because of your fearsome bark.
So here’s the new rules.
First, you will be known as Brave Heart from this time forward.
Your fierce spirit will be tempered with wisdom and curiosity, and your tail will wag with anticipation as we meet opportunities together.
We will travel joyfully and expectantly forward, from Scaredy Cat to something bolder.
Once unknown and intimidating territory will become familiar and friendly, as we chance the rapids and dance the tides.
Come along my dear companion.
Let us be grateful for the rush of adrenaline as we pursue our God-sized Dreams.
Just remember what Dr. Seuss wrote in Oh, The Places You’ll Go!:
Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak. Oh! The places you’ll go!
Time to throw open our door, step outside, and sing exuberantly—or howl, in your case, Brave Heart—in harmony with and in response to the call of our dreams!
Question: What do you need to say to your Chihuahua of Fear today?
Sharing at NOBH, Soli Deo Gloria, Holley Gerth
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Great post about dreams and fear. For me it’s the truth that fear is not of the Lord that helps me take courage and face it head on. It usually takes several times of facing my fears but it will finally flee. For years it took flying to fulfill our dreams of being an over seas missionary. Not sure when it left but fear finally got off the plane somewhere, guess it figured it could not defeat the one who stands guard on my heart. One has to just keep facing what ever one fears…it will leave in the face of courage.
Betty Draper recently posted…An Affected Heart
Well said, Betty. I understand completely about having to face fears several times before it finally retreats. Still makes my heart beat fast, though! Glad to hear that fear has left the building-hooray! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience.
Twitter: AleciaSimersky
These posts are too funny and so much fun to read today! I like how you decide to retrain your barking chihuahua, I just kicked mine out

Alecia recently posted…Shush That Barking Chihuahua!
Aren’t they a hoot, Alecia! I laughed out loud at the idea of you just kicking yours out. I am headed over to see how you did the deed. Thanks for sharing here!
It’s so timely that you wrote about fears, because I have been dealing with my fears these past 3 weeks and have come to realize that no matter what happens in my life, God will sustain me and never leave my side. After reading your post, I laughed and thought, “Kim needs Ceasar Millan, the Dog Whisperer.
Thanks for the laugh and the visualization of fear:) Hugs to you!
Hope Sparrow recently posted…I’m Running To Your Arms
I am so sorry you’ve been dealing with so much fear, Hope, but I really appreciate your words that made me laugh. Gosh, I love the community that blogging creates!
I pray your week goes better, and you are able to kick your fears out the door. Here is another post I wrote that may be of help to you: http://www.toodarnhappy.com/god-sized-dreams/
Blessings to you!
Twitter: mjwallace3
I love how you trained your chihuahua! Great picture! All of these posts will be great to remember when we hear the barking again.
Melissa recently posted…Facing Fear: A letter to my chihuahua
All these themed posts will be helpful, won’t they? We can keep them in a little flip file, and thumb through, let’s see…today I will use Melissa’s method, tomorrow Kim’s and the next day. . .
Whatever it takes to quiet the yippy voice of fear!
Oh, my husband and I had a good laugh about the picture of your dear friend Fear! We have a saying in South Africa that says it is beautiful of ugliness!!! Oh, I think we all have a lapdog like yours tagging behind biting our heels!
Mia recently posted…The Sabbath Moon
“Beautiful of ugliness”: now there is a unique expression, Mia! Thanks for visiting!
Twitter: barefootmel
Oh, sweet friend…I love this. The picture at the beginning made me laugh out loud, but your words…yep. You’ve got it. Way to redirect that fear and turn it into something positive. Such a blessing to watch what God is doing in you, sister! Have a wonderful day!

Mel recently posted…My God-Sized Dream: Dear Chihuahua,
And you as well, Mel. I believe all of us GSDT gals have come much further than we realize!
Twitter: treatmetoafeast
Kim ,
I absolutely adore the way you turned this fear on its head and mastered it, literally! Amen.
Your sunny disposition is such a continual blessing to me, an to everyone. Keep pressing in and pouring out what God pours into your heart.
Peace and good, dear friend.
Chelle recently posted…Dear Chihuahua of Fear,
Hmmmm, Chelle. I have this funny image of a Chihuahua on his head, looking ever so puzzled.
Thanks for your encouragement!
I say, “go to your crate!”
LOL, Lori! So succinctly simple and powerful!
Twitter: amypboyd
I love your words but I have to say the picture drew me in first. It just got me laughing.
Glad you enjoyed both the image and the message, Amy. A day ends with laughter is a good day indeed!
I was cracking up throughout your post. YOU ARE HILARIOUS! I love that you renamed your fear and said you guys would walk together. SUPER COOL.
Delonna recently posted…“Like Me” on Facebook Wednesday Link Up
Oh, you make me smile so wide, Delonna! I am tickled to have brought joyful laughter to your day, as it’s so good for the soul and the body.
Twitter: Soulstops
That photo and your words…you make me smile, Kim…and Braveheart…LOVE IT
Are you speaking on 4/9? Praying for you just in case if I recall from FB…I need to check my messages. Hope I can get my post up…right now trying to work on some homework..Hugs to you 

Dolly recently posted…When God Wants More For You: Dea’s Story, Part 2
It’s a pretty funny image to think of a Chihuahua as a Braveheart, isn’t it? We once had a couple stay with us for 5 days while they waited for their power to be restored from a bad winter storm. They had 5 chihuahuas, and I loved to see them burrow into their blankets with nothing but their teensey behinds showing. What a hoot they were!
I speak next week, the 16th. Thanks for asking. Prayers for your homework! <3
First of all, I absolutely LOVE that photo! Did you take it, Kim? Do you have a “real-life” Chihuahua of fear in your life?
Well, whether you do or not, you nailed this one on the head for me. I let that yapper get my attention one too many times. I’m grateful for the way you’ve taken us on a journey to challenge and change this around with God’s help. I want to have a Brave Heart too. Linking arms with you to face whatever God brings our way, sista!
I wish I had taken that photo, Beth. I just love it. Such enthusiasm!!
Oh, yes, I do have those foolish ankle biters in my life. I’m much better than I used to be, but still have a long way to go. Remembering to commit (OneWord-yay!) to just stepping into the Jordan River and be carried along where He wants to take me, to ask for and receive “Jabez” appointments: it’s all so very good, exciting, and a bit scary! So glad I have gotten to know so many wonderful ladies like yourself so we can all journey together!
haha! Love how you turned the Chihuahua into a companion, nice take on it

It was composed eloquently and cutely!
May your Chihuahua be dog that chases you from the back to keep you going forward hehe
Esther recently posted…Dear…
Oh, Esther, I hadn’t thought of using the little guy that way, like an Australian Sheep Dog, who shepherds me in the right direction! Just love it-thanks so much!
Yeah. . . the picture is priceless! And I love how you decided to help the dog change in to what he could be, instead of kicking him out. Such a picture of redemption!
I must admit my plan was not to redeem him but to send him packing with his tail between his legs. . .
Funny how the words take shape on the page. Thanks for stopping by Lauri!
Twitter: HappyWivesClub
You are too cute, Kim! Love this! Hmmm…to my little Chihuahua I think I’d say, “I’m powering forward with or without you so you’d better get on board…as a brave heart, that is!”

Fawn Weaver recently posted…25 Awesome Anniversary Gift Ideas for Under $25
Oh, LOL, Fawn! I have this vision of a swaggering Chihuahua (how do they swagger with those itty bitty legs) whose eyes suddenly grow big at the realization he has a new choice to make. Thanks for the smile!
Twitter: fiercedivablog
Fear hangs closest to whatever we are most called to do – love LOVE that quote. Just love it. And get it. Thank you for inspiring me today to move beyond those fears!
ilene recently posted…Play for Her
Isn’t Holley’s quote great? Her book is terrific! I imagine you’ve felt the presence of that irritating doggie as he sniffs around your Doc Martens. I get a sense he’s coming to heel for you, though!
You are most welcome, my friend.
Kim, what an awesome post!! I’m printing it out and hanging it where I can see it!
Thank you!
Lisa recently posted…S.M.A.R.T. Goals & Living Beyond Rich
Oh, I am so very glad you have drawn so much encouragement you’d like to hang it in your home. That is a high compliment indeed, and I am thoroughly humbled.
Hope all is well with you!
Good luck on the name change and new way of doing things. We have a dog that reminds me of yours. He brings us great joy. He does bark when people come to the door but then he just wants to lick and smell them. He has no guard dog traits. He would just lick them to death. I am smiling on this one.
We had a Silver German Shepherd named Lady when I was growing up. She would terrify our visitors, holding them at bay in their cars while she barked like she would eat them alive if they dared exit.
The funny thing was if they did open their car doors, Lady would turn tail and go hide somewhere.
Glad both of our dogs weren’t and aren’t people eaters.
What a funny way to describe your fears. I really enjoyed reading through this post of yours and yes, how can I not mention about the funniest picture of your fear. Very impressive, I must say. Well, you are just so right on the thought that we have to keep facing the fear until it subsides and it can easily be attained through training. A great post that is thoroughly enjoyed. I have read it thrice one for myself when I found it and then two more times for my husband and for my mother in law. They too laughed on the way you have written your post. The fear dog indeed keeps barking inside too loud but our courage and trust in God is the only way to hush him and live a happy life. Keep posting such enjoyable yet encouraging post for all of us to read and enjoy. All the best!
Common Marriage Issues recently posted…Couples Therapy Helps Couples Deal With Resentment The Leading Marriage Poison
Glad you and your family enjoyed this. Thanks for stopping by!
You sound like such a nice lady! How blessed your husband and daughters are to have you in their lives!
Nancy recently posted…Real Simple
This was humorous, straight from the heart and such a lovely post. I am inspired to write one for my beautiful pug too!