While I reluctantly admit I am older—in years only, but not in spirit!—I still had never heard of Old School Blogging.
Apparently in that internet land practically before time itself, before Twitter and Pinterest and so much other social media, bloggers would write cute and informative posts about themselves so you could get a sense of who they were.
The talented Elaine of The Miss Elaine-ous Life has brought this fun practice back, and Alison of the delightful Writing, Wishing blog tagged me, so here I am, joining in the game.
Although some of you long time readers may know some of this information, there are new readers on the block who haven’t been brought up to speed. Welcome, welcome, everyone!
This week we are sharing about Marriage, a topic I have much to say about.
Ok, fine. I admit, have a lot to say about most anything. Just ask my family. . .
1. How did your husband pop the big question?
We had talked about getting married, so I knew it was a matter of time before we were engaged. I’ve never been a romantic, so I thought we’d just decide to be engaged. We were sitting on the edge of our bed, and he turned to me, asked me to marry him, and pulled out the ring. I started bawling, surprised, humbled, delighted, and amazed after kissing one kabillion frogs that a man as incredible as Keith would choose me.
2. What are the three most surprising things about married life?
1. How we just don’t argue. I heard such horror stories about relationships going rocky once the knot was tied, but that never happened to us.
2. How incredibly happy I have always been as a wife. Again, culture just isn’t very supportive of women saying they are wildly in love with their hubbies.
3. How much my husband has changed me for the good. Keith has talents I used to envy, but he has encouraged me to grow, and I am a better person for it.
3. How did you find out you were pregnant for the first time?
I felt different in an icky way, and nauseous, but those were the days before at-home pregnancy tests. I know—I am really stretching the limits of your imagination today! We went to my doctor for an appointment, he sent us for a blood drawing, and announced joyfully to us that we were expecting.
4. How did you choose your first baby’s name?
Again, this was before the internet, so there were no mommy blogs, forums, or lists to consult. We got a real book from a brick and mortar library, and perused it for favorites. We settled upon Alexis because it was in a song Keith loved. Plus, we thought it would be a unique name so our daughter wouldn’t be one of a million Jessicas, Ashleys, or Sarahs. No offense, ladies. Those are beautiful names, but I’ve always tilted towards being different.
5. Describe where you see yourself 10 years from now…
As a cool and fun grandparent in the sweet land of Tennessee—Yippee!
As a speaker on the topics of faith, gratitude and joy.
As a mentor to young women, helping to encourage them towards strong and satisfying marriages
As a published author of books for moms, and especially of inspiring and positive books for young children
Still as a happily married woman, celebrating 40 years of marriage.
6. Describe how you find bliss either by using words or images.
Spending time with my husband, my children, and the rest of my family makes me smile and laugh a great deal.
Playing music, especially Christian Contemporary, lifts and inspires me. I adore having it on in the house all the time.
Weaving my faith inextricably into my daily life brings me such peace, and helps me beyond measure to be grateful for everything, whether it appears on the face to be something good or bad.
Just a note here: I became a Christian less than ten years ago. If you had told me then where I would be now, I would have laughed in your face. I would have said not on your life, not interested, too boring, too many rules, too many hypocrites, I’m a good person, thanks but no thanks, not giving up my Sundays, I don’t want to become a crazy religious person.
The truth is that life takes us places we never expect.
I encourage you to remember that one secret to being happier is to be open to learning, discovering, and being willing to try new things!
Speaking of which: I announced last week that I am now a contributing writer at The Happy Wives Club. This week I have a piece featured in the travel section about another really interesting museum in the Knoxville, TN, area:
The American Museum of Science and Energy-It’s more than electrifying!
Thanks for joining me today. I don’t usually participate in these memes or awards, although I do enjoy reading them.
This time, though, I thought it was a good idea to pull back the curtain on my marriage since I write so much about relationships. Thank you, Alison, for the nudge.
If any of you would like to join the Old School Blogging bandwagon, just copy the questions above into your blog and answer away!
Just let me know in the comments that you’re playing so I can visit, and remember to link up your posts with Elaine!

Sharing at NOBH, Happy Wives Club
Image used courtesy of Tama Leaver
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Twitter: TamaraCamPhoto
I so loved reading this! And I loved the part about becoming a Christian and how you never know where life will take you. Now I’m going to read more about Keith!
Tamara recently posted…Six Years Gone.
Thanks for coming for a visit, Tamara, and for your kind words! Loved your site, especially your amazing photography!
So great to “meet” you this way, Kim. I like your sweet proposal story. Thanks so much for playing along. Hope you’ll join us again if so inclined!
It was fun to meet you as well, Elaine, and you are very welcome.
Twitter: fiercedivablog
I love reading your words about Keith and marriage because the joy just spills off the page. I have a lot of gratitude for my marriage – despite it being over – because no matter what path my life has taken now, my I am who I am today because of the time I spent with my husband. Your words are so inspiring and I love reading about your faith as a Christian. I am a religious hybrid as you know, but willing to pick up inspiration from all religions.
ilene recently posted…Facing Fears and Finding Freedom
Thanks, Ilene. I’m glad that you have gratitude for your marriage. It does change us, and hopefully always for the better. I am grateful we can be friends even though we do not see eye to eye on faith. Thanks for hopping on over. Always good to see you.
Thanks for giving us a peek into your marriage “holy of holies!” I love how you weave your personality into each of your posts, Kim. I feel like I get to know you a bit better each time I visit this “happy” place. And speaking of “happy”, congratulations on being a regular writer at The Happy Wives Club! That’s such an awesome honor and one that you are cut out for–being “too darn happy!”
So do you plan to retire to Tennessee? (You don’t live there now, right?) Maybe I’ll come visit you when my husband and I occasionally swing through to visit his parents in Dandridge.
You are most welcome, and thanks for your congratulations. My feet still haven’t touched the ground I’m so excited. 😀
Retire to TN? LOL. Move to TN and keep working? Yes. We are hoping the house will sell so we can move this summer/fall. . . Just working on being patient.
It would be awesome if you stopped by for a visit once we are there, Beth!
Thank you for playing and I love knowing more about you.
30 years of marriage? That is incredible, and you and Keith are inspiring. Truly.
Alison recently posted…On Writing
I often wonder where the thirty years went, Alison. I’m thinking folks can’t be talking about me when they congratulate me on three decades. Yikes. I can’t be that old. I certainly don’t feel that old.
Thanks for your kind words!
Twitter: CalmHealthySexy
Even though I am old, I had never heard of “old school blogging.” I loved reading this, Kim. I was amazed to read that you have only been a Christian for 10 years. You certainly exude the joy of someone who has known Christ for many years! Thanks so much for sharing and for always encouraging such a positive (and fun!) view of marriage.
Gaye recently posted…5 Free Gifts to Give Ourselves
Hi Gaye-always nice to see you! Thanks back to you, and pleased to be on the same path as you, encouraging women in their marriages!
Oh yes, I remember choosing baby names without the benefit(?) of the internet, lol! Our oldest just popped the question to his now-fiance and I thought it was so romantic how he did it.
He took her on a picnic and put flowers in the basket and made a beautiful scrapbook of pictures and other memorabilia of their two years of dating. He had a friend hide behind something and take pictures and video tape the moment!
We are probably around the same age, I’m in my 50’s and my hubby and I will have been married for 30 years on our next anniversary.
What a sweet young man you have raised! His fiancee is a lucky gal indeed! Yes, we are in the same age group, although your spirit sounds much younger.
Congrats on almost 30 years!!
Twitter: susanrstilwell
Hi Kim! I’m way late to this post because of a crazy week, but loved reading these fun facts about you! My hubs and I rarely argue too, mainly because we realize how few things really MATTER or are worth arguing about.
Congrats on being a contributor to Happy Wives! I’ll have to check them out (once I get caught up)

Susan Stilwell recently posted…Pondering Psalm 23
You hit that nail squarely on the head, Susan! I heard “Pick your battles!” so much when we were young parents, but I NEVER heard that same advice as a wife. There is just so much that isn’t important enough to fight about.
Thanks for the congrats. I am having a ball contributing to Fawn’s site. Such a nice group of gals follow her. I think you’d like her a lot.
Remember to take time for R&R, especially with your dear hubbie! xo
I’m an old school blogger and I miss it. I’m glad to see it’s making a comeback! I’m totally with you on having a different name. I loved Isabella for a baby girl, and then Twilight came out and ruined that. Then I loved Savannah, and every little girl I teach has that name.
Not too many Alexis’ though.

Blond Duck recently posted…Swim
You made me laugh out loud with your description of names. We have such good intentions when we name our children.
I imagine you must see some real unusual names, too, as a teacher. Thanks for stopping by!
Twitter: HappyWivesClub
Oh my goodness, it’s like you were speaking for me!! Especially, all your reasons in #2 about what has surprised you most about marriage. The fact that all of those things are the three I would have said and your husband’s name is Keith. That is SO wild! So many of my favorite bloggers are married to men named Keith. We should all do a tribute to the Keith’s in our lives :).
Fawn Weaver recently posted…Perfect Cure for Cabin Fever
You are so funny, Fawn, and so sweet, too! I remember reading some of your posts about Keith and thinking the same, that your words could be mine.
Stopping by from the Old School blogging linkup! Nice to meet you! Loved hearing your stories and especially the part about being a Christian for 10 years. Always amazing to look back and see just how God directed our paths even when we didn’t realize it!
Lisa recently posted…Stop And Write A Blog Post Mid-Month Recap {April Blogging Challenge}
Hi Lisa! Nice to meet you. Love the name of your blog! Thanks for your comment. You are so right-I do look back and see where He was there when I never realized it.