Richly colored silver linings

Did you know sunny days are not your best friend for taking pictures?

It is the cloudy and sometimes even rainy days that bring out the most amazingly saturated hues in the landscape.

As a photographer I especially love this weather, as it makes my photos just POP with lush greens, brilliant blues, and deep reds.

A similar concept holds true about tough times revealing a fresh perspective, sometimes even an aha moment where, just around the corner from a stretch of a rocky road, you stumble upon a richly colored silver lining.

Such was the case for my husband and I when I experienced a health scare a few years ago.

Today I am delighted to be sharing my story at Messy Marriage, where my friend Beth offers comforting helpings of encouragement.


The Blessing of a Health Scare

My husband and I were blissful spenders. While we didn’t take on lots of debt, we also didn’t have an emergency fund.

The sad reality is that for years we were completely unaware of how close we regularly walked up to our financial edge. We actually thought we were wise and thrifty.

What finally opened our eyes was . . .

To read the rest, click on over to Messy Marriage!


Sharing at NOBH, Happy Wives Club, Soli Deo Gloria

Photo: Alaskan Dude

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  1. What a beautiful photo you took, Kim. You are so right about the vibrancy of the colors and the beauty of God’s earth in the spring time. Thanks so much for sharing your story over at my place. It’s a great one that I hope really impacts those who are struggling financially. I know I can totally relate to both your earlier story and the latter one–we are so blessed to be financially free at this time. But it was a hard lesson to learn! Thanks so much, my friend!

    • Thanks, Beth, but the picture’s not mine. I just love the rich colors, though-such beauty!
      I, too, hope my story resonates and helps change behavior. While I still cringe at times as I think back on what we did, I spend more time looking forward, being wiser, and hoping my story will help others have more peace in their financial lives.
      Thanks again for having me over for a visit. Your readers are terrific!

  2. So true… sunny days are not the best when it comes to getting great photos.
    I know I’ve been here before but think this may be the first time I’m really catching the name of your blog. “Too Darn Happy” Oh how I love that! Hoping on over to your post at Messy Marriage.
    Beth recently posted…He Makes Everything BeautifulMy Profile

  3. Well I would have thought the sunshine would make for more vibrant photos. So I’ve definitely gleaned a tip for my photos. And I love how you connected it to spiritual truths.
    Wanda recently posted…Don’t Forget the Be in Your DoMy Profile

    • I never knew that until I took a photography course, Wanda. What a revelation that small tip was! Glad I could add to your photography wisdom. Thanks so much for your comment!

  4. What a gorgeous photo, Kim! How is it possible I didn’t know you were a photographer. I knew you took alot of your own pictures but I don’t think I put the 2+2 together. Very cool!
    Fawn Weaver recently posted…One of the Greatest ThingsMy Profile

    • I wish I could take credit for that photo, but it is not mine, Fawn. It is gorgeous, isn’t it?
      I thought I wanted to be a professional photographer, but discovered I just wasn’t keen on the business end. I do love being behind the camera, though!


  1. […] Joy triumphs when you look beyond the rain to see the silver lining. […]

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