Who knew…about peanut butter and pine pitch?

Summer is here-woohoo!

For those of us in the northeast part of the country, that means we break out the tents, the grills and the water toys.

We build campfires and toast marshmallows, and play “Run away from the mosquitos”.

We hike and spend as much time outdoors as we can connecting with nature, and lots of times that means we end up with pine pitch on our hands.

The sticky stuff collects dirt, and then shows up as semi-permanent black splotchy areas that make it look like you have contracted some awful disease. There just doesn’t seem to be anything that will take it off.

But there is. It is–drum roll, please– peanut butter.

Yes. Humble peanut butter. And, no, I wouldn’t use the chunky kind unless that is all you have.

Just scoop some out of the jar onto a plate, and use a towel or paper towel to apply a small amount to the offending area, and scrub. Repeat if needed. Generally, the condiment will do a good job removing the sticky pitch and the dirt. Of course, make sure you wash well with soap and water when you are done.

Who knew…that peanut butter was a cure for pine pitch?

Just a note-I am aware some of you may have a loved one who is allergic to peanuts. As always, use wisdom and care in implementing any ideas from here or elsewhere.

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