Since I tend to march to the beat of a very different drummer, I am sharing my top ten hidden gems rather than just showing you my top ten posts. After all, you’ve probably already seen the most popular posts of all time in the right sidebar. Here they are, in no particular […]
The BEAGLE Theory of Life
Life’s lessons come to us in some unusual ways, but more often than not through rubbing up against those hard and unyielding sharp edges of the world. Such is the case with the B.E.A.G.L.E. Theory of Life. There was a pistol of a young man—Charlie Marston—who attended high school with my daughter. He had […]
12 secrets to deflecting life’s slings and arrows
What do ornery coworkers, angry children and irritable spouses have in common? You as the target. Well, at least it seems that way, especially when you feel like you could be part porcupine because of all the virtual arrows bristling from your back. However, in most cases, you really are not the target. What you just […]
A parable of finite love
There once was a widow who believed each person had a finite amount of love to share. She had a son who adored her, who had moved in with her so she wouldn’t be alone. One day, when this caring man had passed his fortieth birthday, he met a woman who swept his heart away. […]
A bridge too far and a bar too high
Giving is something you love to do. You give of your time, your money, and yourself. This is a wonderful thing, as you love to bring joy to those you care about. Whether you realize it or not, every time you give, you set the bar and pay a price. This may go exactly as […]
Through grateful eyes: a fresh perspective
As a parent, you have probably experienced close calls and feelings of helplessness with your children. Your toddler disappears from the backyard. The police call to say that your teens have been in a car accident. Your daughter phones from across the ocean, sobbing about how a sadistic old woman—her host mother for her junior […]
Gratitude for body slams, injured knees and crutches
Have you ever taken time for some rest and relaxation and had it go terribly awry? Like many of you, we took some time this weekend to unwind and ended up spending it very differently than we had originally planned. As a start to the weekend, my hubby and I entered our first 5K. While […]
Let go and allow them to grow
Your eyes glisten with tears as you grab for yet another tissue. You promised yourself and your family you wouldn’t cry, that you’d maintain your composure. After all, this is that moment when the baby you have cared for with such tenderness spreads their wings and begin to move forward into the wild, blue […]
Hearts and homes made new
You just had the MOST. AMAZING. EXPERIENCE. EVER. And you just can’t wait to tell your friends and family about it, because you know they will want to join you next time, once they hear how AWESOME it was. As you enthusiastically explain, they look at you as though you are crazy, that there can’t […]
An important lesson from a toe-curling adventure
I could tell you our lives have been in minor upheaval for months and we are just beginning to see normal again. You might nod your head in understanding, as you’ve been through those seasons, too, where routines just fall by the wayside. As a consequence, we often find ourselves dealing with something more time-consuming after […]