My apologies for not having my usual Monday morning post up for you, dear readers, but we lost power yesterday morning and have yet to get it back. We are operating the generator as needed, and so I am able to grab some internet while it runs. I wrote most of this post yesterday, […]
Letting go and hanging on
While journaling the past couple of mornings, the topic of fear kept popping up, and I realized I have written quite a bit about that topic, both lately and over the past couple of years. It’s not that I see myself as that quivering mass of jello in the back of the fridge, praying […]
Five minute Friday: Still
Joining Lisa-Jo for her Five minute Friday prompt of “Still”. Today she writes: So on Fridays, we take the dare to become Word Artists. To throw editing and proof reading and critically raised eyebrows out the window. We finger paint with our words – in pink and blue and dark purple. In glitter glue and bright […]
So long status quo
I’ve written lately about being dissatisfied with how I was leading my life, about feeling like the wheels on my bus were going ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk, thinking about unopened gifts that might be in the closet, and recognizing that each of us wants to live a life that matters. Do you have that niggling feeling […]
Unopened gifts and unique treasures
Tell me if you’ve been here before… A birthday is coming up for someone very special in your life. You spend a great deal of time, energy and thought to pick out the absolute best, perfect gift for this person. You are so very tickled with your choice that you cannot wait for the recipient […]
Five Minute Friday-Backwards
Thanks for stopping by and joining in the Friday fun! Gypsy Mama writes: I remember how powerful the written word is. To encourage, to laugh, to cheer, to pray, to listen, and love. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes. Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. Kind of […]
Five minute Friday-On forgetting
Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes. She writes: “I remember how powerful the written word is. To encourage, to laugh, to cheer, to pray, to listen, and love. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes. Five minutes to just write, and not worry if […]
Who knew…about Dayspring?
Today I am introducing a new feature that will appear randomly as I discover new and interesting resources, ideas and things that I think may be useful to you, dear readers. So, welcome to the premier post of “Who knew?”! Who knew that Hallmark has a Christian division called Dayspring whose mission is to […]
Telling Miss Jealousy goodbye
Rainy Day © K. Hall Jealousy. Such an ugly, unnecessary, counterproductive emotion that pushes us to behave in such foolish and hurtful ways. I always imagine that She (yes, I see jealousy as a “she”) is standing behind me, poking me in the back, egging me on to do and say stupid things, while whispering […]