Never alone

Sunlight through clouds © K. Hall   Ever have one of those weeks where everyone and everything seems to be against you, where it feels like all the lights just go out and you are just left to fend for yourself? The refrigerator stops working, your kids are all mad at you-again, and you are […]

Keep the faith

Keep the faith Wordle © K. Hall When our children are babies, we are just so excited for that day when they can actually talk. That first spoken word: “mama”, “dada”, or even “no”,  just brings us so much joy! Fast forward a few short years, and for the first time, we hear our beloved […]

On baking bread and God prods

Who among us can resist a warm loaf of homemade bread or a pan of soft rolls, fresh out of the oven? Very few, I think, and yet how many of us actually bake bread from scratch? Not me. Both my mom and my mother-in-law do, though, and they do it beautifully, making it look […]

Losing our way and finding our audience of One

The love of the Lord, my Lord, washes over me as I sit here in the congregation with the light of the early morning softly illuminating the sanctuary while I listen to the worship team practice their songs for the service. I am, in a very small way, their audience of one. And yet, they […]

Sailing away from the Island of Settle

Sailing away © K. Hall   As captains of our crafts, we have questioned our purpose, and have been curious about our destination. We have wondered-or hoped-that someone or something else was in charge, and that they would provide the direction. All we had to do was sit. And wait. Ultimately, though, whether or not […]

How does your garden grow?

Spring daffodil shoots © K. Hall Have you looked longingly and perhaps with a bit of jealousy at someone else’s garden? I’m not talking about the green shoots and brown dirt kind here. I’m referring to the life they are tending each day for themselves and their families Are you envious of the joy they […]

The view from down here

Ahhh, the view from the top of a mountain on a crystal clear sunny day. The clarity of the landscape, the rich greens of the fields, the deep blues of the lakes. In regards to just taking your breath away, the view has no equal. Or does it? I would like to suggest that a […]

Of God winks and God prods

Photo by K. Hall People talk about God winks, those events during which  they are sure that they are sensing the presence of God, often in the form of a positive coincidence in the midst of difficult circumstances their lives. Other people say they are seeing the hand of God at work when circumstances come […]

Where are you and where are you supposed to be?

Vancouver sailboat © K. Hall Although I am a very optimistic, mostly upbeat person, I must admit I haven’t ever been really intentional about setting larger life-sized goals. If I were a boat, my name would likely be the Aimless Wanderer, or maybe the Endless Drifer. You know that old saying about how if you […]

Five minute Friday-On Waiting

I know it is Saturday, but I just found this great site-The Gypsy Mama-and her Five Minute Friday challenge. Every Friday she gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . . Waiting. We wait on so […]

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