Welcome and thanks for stopping by our roundup today, where we have spun our way around the web to bring you some great information and resources on parenting. We are going to start today with the parent part of parenting. Yes, I’m talking to you, all of you parents, who will do anything for […]
Five Minute Friday-Remember
Remember it’s not about the falling down. It’s about what we do when we’re done bouncing on the concrete. It’s about apologizing and moving forward when we lose patience with our children. It’s about finding joy when the days have been dark. It’s about giving thanks for the difficult experiences that grow us. It’s about […]
Food for thought-strengths and talents
Now that you’ve read the three steps to discovering your child’s strengths and talents, here are some books you may find enlightening, entertaining, and/or helpful. Disclaimer: I am an Amazon affiliate, so if you click through and purchase, I will earn a little bit of moolah, and for that, I thank you. Amazon.com Widgets
Three steps to discovering and encouraging your child’s strengths and talents
Do you encourage your child’s strengths or concentrate on their weaknesses? I have a confession to make. I was a mom who concentrated on the weaknesses. I may have commented on the A’s, but my eye would go right to the other grades, and ask “What happened here? What can you do to […]
Family Dynamics: Surviving young adult children who move back home
Do you have a Bambocionni, YUCKI, or a Boomerang under your roof? If you have a young adult child who has moved back home, whether an Italian Big Baby, a U.K. Young Unwittingly Costly Kid, or an American Boomerang, you do. Christina Newberry is founder of the blog The Hands-on Guide to Surviving Adult Children […]
A Random Too Darn Happy Moment on Rejection
Welcome, welcome to my random “Too Darn Happy moments” — posts that exist solely for the joy and entertainment they provide. Come on in for just a few minutes, immerse yourself in the happiness, and then return to your day refreshed. Today’s moment is one you have very possibly seen on YouTube, but […]
What do I do that shows you I love you? Mammograms!
Dear readers, those of you who have read my blog know that I share my personal experiences to illustrate concepts, to share a laugh and a lesson learned, to ultimately support and encourage stronger and more satisfying relationships. I have never been a fan of the let it all hang out genre, as I believe […]
Life is short . . .let’s go long
In the introduction of More Than Money, author Neil Cavuto notes that greatness is defined not by how we handle all that goes well for us, but how we deal with all that does not. He continues, as he writes about people who have overcome great difficulties in their lives, that what’s vital isn’t the […]