Fall has officially drifted into New England. *Sigh* Millions of visitors make the worthwhile journey here to see our brilliant and bejewelled autumnal landscape. I know it’s beautiful. But I. Like. Summer. {She stamps foot like toddler} I want my bright and lemonadey, slow and swingy, kayak and paddley season back, and I am going […]
The Wild Web Roundup
Good Monday to everyone! Welcome again to my occasional feature, the Wild Web Roundup, in which I share interesting tidbits from with internet. We come out of the gate today with more changes from Facebook: Ahh, Facebook. I barely knew ye, yet you have changed again. What do we need to know, and what will […]
Need a morale boost? Volunteer!
I’ve previously encouraged folks to step out and volunteer as a means of not only helping others but also of helping ourselves, and you can read about it here, here and here. We have an intrinsic need to reach out, to help, to serve, to better the lives of those around us, in a way […]
The Weekly Wild Web Roundup
Welcome to the first post of an occasional feature I am introducing: The Weekly Wild Web Roundup, through which I share some of the great reads I find. My desire is to provide inspiration, hope, encouragement, how-to, or just plain old good-for-the-soul laughter from the information I highlight. ******************** Kara Chupp, of The Chuppies, wrote […]
Five Minute Friday-Growing
As we grow up our kids, we grow up ourselves. We begin with the best of intentions, vowing to be the best parents we can possibly be. We will lead them to be good, kind children, full of faith and joy and love. And then, they become toddlers, little mirrors of ourselves, and we […]
Final Day of the 7 Day Stamina Challenge
I must admit to being elated when I saw the challenge for Day 7: Eating! Hooray! I love eating. Yes, I know I needed to be the cook, but that was fine. But I get to talk, too. To At With my dear hubbie. Connecting with Keith, over dinner. A wonderful end to the challenge. […]
7 Day Stamina Challenge: Day 5 and Fraidy-Catness
When I first read about the 7 Day Stamina Challenge, I admit to feeling just a wee bit cocky. It’s that same foolish bravado you experience at the start of a new, ambitious exercise regime. How hard can it be, I asked, when the first challenge was to get up a half hour early? Not […]
Excavating a really BIG idea Day, Stamina Challenge Day 2
Welcome to the second installment of the 7 Day Stamina Challenge. I arose a half hour earlier than my regular time, at 4:00am, just like yesterday. I can hear some of you now (I know who you are!): “Are you kidding me? What is the point? 4? People actually get up at 4? It’s dark […]
On resting and arising early-Stamina Challenge Begins!
This morning I started a 7 Day Stamina Challenge that was suggested by my life/career coach, Joel Boggess. I have to be honest: I was dreading this morning. I set the alarm-reluctantly-for 4:00am, which was a half hour earlier than I usually get up. I just had planned on sleeping late today. (Can you […]