Toasted marshmallows and a life lesson

    If you thought an event slipped by us yesterday, you are right:  National Toasted Marshmallow Day rolled right past without so much as a wave of a wooden skewer. In honor of this missed momentous occasion, I thought I would share a story from our past of a dark summer’s night and the […]

Five minute Friday: Older

Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for a quick, no edit writing topic, and we each watch, often in surprise, at what appears beneath our tapping fingers in the short span of five minutes. Today, in honor of her birthday, we are going to share our thoughts on Older. Let’s put those fingers […]

More on Beauty

At the end of last week I sat down, as always with delight and anticipation, to read Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama so see what she had in store for us for our Five Minute Friday. I read the topic, and my heart skipped a beat. Beauty. Gulp. What if I don’t consider myself beautiful? […]

Beets that go Boom

  I was making dinner the other night, and tossed sliced beets into the microwave for a reheat. I went into the office to quickly check my email and heard a low and quick “BOOM!”, followed immediately by popping type sounds, and then another “BOOM!”. I ran back into the kitchen, stopped the microwave, and […]

Five minute Friday: Beauty

  Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for a quick, no edit writing topic, and we each watch, often in surprise, at what appears beneath our tapping fingers in the short span of five minutes. This week she pulls together what has been on her heart of late and turns it […]

Mowing lawns and facing fears

Last night I helped my dear hubbie mow the lawn. All one gazillion acres of it. Ok. It’s not quite that big, but it feels that way when you are mowing the lawn for the FIRST TIME EVER in your entire life and you are on a rider that feels like it has forty horses […]

Five minute Friday: Full

    I have loved photography since my dear hubbie gave me a real 35mm camera for my birthday over 25 years ago, when we were expecting our first child. However, loving photography and doing it well were two very different matters. Amongst the thousands of photos I took for the next couple of decades—especially documenting […]

The BIG conversation you’ve been avoiding about money with your boomerang, and a success story

You are a parent, possibly with younger kids still at home, and one day, you get that dreaded call from one of your 20-something adult children, whether they have been out in the workplace or are nearing the end of their college years: “Mom, I can’t afford to live on my own. I need to […]

Living a life that matters

We all have an intrinsic need to feel our lives matter, that our presence, our hearts, our hands, our minds, our words and actions are important to someone. We all want to be sure that if we stepped off the planet today, that what we did or said  made a positive difference in someone’s life. […]

The wheels on the bus go ka-thunk, ka-thunk, ka-thunk

Yes, I have changed the words to that age-old children’s song to make my point today. For those who are not familiar with the tune, it goes like this: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through […]

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