Spring has arrived! Warm sunshine. Green grass. Crocuses. Gentle breezes. Soft earth that yields to the weight of bare feet. But wait. God is not quite done with winter. He still has some batter in the bottom of his great mixing bowl that he scrapes out and drops down upon the New England landscape. More […]
Why did the turkey cross the road?
This road is blissfully frost-heave and turkey free When we drove to church this week, we took what is usually the quickest route, which takes us this time of year along a curvy, wood-lined, frost-heave riddled road. Since it is getting towards spring, the turkeys are out in force, especially in this area. If you […]
Where are you and where are you supposed to be?
Vancouver sailboat © K. Hall Although I am a very optimistic, mostly upbeat person, I must admit I haven’t ever been really intentional about setting larger life-sized goals. If I were a boat, my name would likely be the Aimless Wanderer, or maybe the Endless Drifer. You know that old saying about how if you […]
Five minute Friday-On Waiting
I know it is Saturday, but I just found this great site-The Gypsy Mama-and her Five Minute Friday challenge. Every Friday she gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes. Only 5 minutes! Also, no edits! Just write. So here goes . . . Waiting. We wait on so […]
Where’s my ticket, Lord, and whose luggage is this?
Your sweet spot. That place of perfect pitch, where there is a harmonious balance of minimum energy and maximum impact. If you have ever experienced “being in the zone”, where time flies as you effortlessly accomplish a particular task, you have been in your sweet spot. (No, it is not that place in your desk […]
Willing to Change
I attended a seminar years ago, and the instructor said something that has stayed with me. It was so simple, yet so profound. He said, “Change your point of view and you will change your life.” I have been blessed to apply this straightforward axiom to my life, and to ultimately enjoy and embrace change. […]
52 Blessings-Week 1
This first entry is actually a very difficult choice, because when I sit and start to list my blessings, I am absolutely overwhelmed by all that is good in my life. That is not to say that I am not challenged. Oh, no. Far from it. I guess, thinking in that vein, especially about my […]
‘Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost…
A long, long time ago, when our girls were in their early elementary years, we adopted a beautiful three-year old Yellow Labrador dog named Sam, who had been abandoned on a busy street in town by his owner. Not only had he been unceremoniously dumped, but the shelter had been unable to find him a […]
Looking in the Rear View Mirror
When you took Driver’s Education in high school, you were taught to be aware of all your surroundings so that you would be safe behind the wheel. As you looked ahead, you scanned the traffic and the roadsides. You glanced regularly at your rear view mirror, where you kept an eye on the vehicles and […]
Blindness and perspectives
Although the week-long workcamp we just completed involved a tremendous amount of hard work, we looked forward to the evening programs with anticipation, as they provided an opportunity for fun, fellowship, and food for thought, as well as a joyful boost of energy at the end of the day. One night, our ebullient MC, […]