Last night we learned my nephew has a brain tumor. This morning I stand on my porch, birdsong welcoming the day as though nothing has changed, the whisper-soft breeze carrying muted sounds of distant lives. Such a dramatic change from last night, when booming thunder struck a match, setting off a brilliant lightning […]
How being wrecked by unemployment was a great thing
Jeff Goins wrote about getting wrecked, and doing something different, something uncomfortable, partly because we long to be part of a bigger story. While I never would have chosen unemployment as my ultimate Wrecked Moment—how about something easier and more of a conversation starter, like a stateside mission trip?—it was where the sum of […]
Double delightfulness, and an exciting announcement, too
I have two tasty and practical treats for you today, my friends. Think of these as being as delicious as a cone full of lip-smacking soft-serve vanilla, paired with a crispy, chocolately cookie, while containing all the nutrition and calories of broccoli. First up is my latest contribution at the Happy Wives Club. Talking […]
The 5 Why’s: A simple problem-solving technique
Do you ever feel like you are going to crack under the frustration and feelings of being overwhelmed by a problem you haven’t been able to solve? Your solution might have been to head to the fridge for a pint of ice cream—that is a single serving, right?—into the living room to watch some escapist […]
Three Ideas to Help Guide You to the Right Decision
I’m excited to introduce you to my guest writer today, especially since he is a friend and past coach: Joel Boggess, of Finding Your Voice Radio. I discovered Joel when I was drowning—again—in a job that didn’t fit, and he helped me see I actually had skills and talent that I could put […]
When Fear Meets the Pushmi-Pullyu
As wives and moms, you take on a wide variety of roles, including the Pushmi-Pullyu. For reference, a Pushmi-Pullyu is the two-headed llama from the famous Dr. Doolittle series of children’s books. You are probably curious what you could possibly have in common with that creature. When you encourage your loved ones, you do so […]
Dancing out of your comfort zone
Earlier this week, I recommended you S-T-R-E-T-C-H your comfort zone, and gave you the benefits of and ideas for doing so. Some of you found those a bit daunting, and that is ok. It just means you have found an edge of your comfort zone—hooray! To further discover areas that need to be broken through, […]
The importance of stretching your comfort zone
Do you remember the anxiety of learning to drive? There was that sheer terror of keeping your eyes on a million things at once, knowing if you lost focus for a nanosecond, you’d cause the biggest accident on the planet ever. When you hop in your car now, do any of your early concerns even […]
Exclamation Mark Living
Did you realize she was missing? Have you gone looking for her, or did you assume it was a pointless search? I’ll let you in on a secret: She is closer than you realize. You know who I am talking about, don’t you? You. Specifically, your radiantly vivid, brilliant, technicolor, splendiforous self. She is waiting patiently […]
Take this leap and change your life!
You whip your car into a parking place, rushing again to get to work on time. As you come to a hard stop, your purse tumbles off the seat, its contents disappearing underneath the empty fast-food bags and other clutter on the floor. A strangled sigh of frustration escapes your lips, and tears prick at […]