Did you know sunny days are not your best friend for taking pictures? It is the cloudy and sometimes even rainy days that bring out the most amazingly saturated hues in the landscape. As a photographer I especially love this weather, as it makes my photos just POP with lush greens, brilliant blues, and deep reds. […]
Pay it forward by pouring it on
Did you ever play with binoculars as a kid? I did, and as I would sweep the rural landscape, I was always amazed at how big and close things became. However, turning the binocs around and looking through the opposite end was a real eye-opener as well. My focus became very small, and details […]
Fear, failure, and (almost) falling overboard:
7 Life lessons from a sailing mishap
Before I was married, one of the many young men I dated was a radio disk jockey. Just a word to the wise, moms: If your daughter wants to date a dj, just say NO. I was a dj, too, so I got to know many of them. Let’s just leave it that they are […]
Dear Chihuahua of Fear
photo: www.Photobotos.com Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you. You showed up on my doorstep unannounced and uninvited a long, long time ago, and I took you in. How could I not, with those adorable eyes and cute perky ears? You had a puppy’s firecracker enthusiasm, but […]
Honesty: What’s love got to do with it?
Honesty has fallen so far out of favor in our culture that it sits lower than a young rapper’s jeans on his skinny frame. Too many people now believe it is for fools who aren’t enlightened enough to understand the many nuances of truth, rubes who are too ethical to understand the devastating potential it […]
Chance the rapids and dance the tide
Holley Gerth has asked us dreamers for a glimpse into our typical day, and how we see God’s hand in the small and ordinary. Come on in, have some coffee and cookies, and join us! I tend to put my happy glasses on in the morning and view the world through them most every […]
A must-have decision making tool
My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they are popular; you make them because they’re right. ~Theodore Hesburgh It’s the same old refrain. You have a big decision to make and you just don’t know […]
A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers
Dear fellow dreamer of dreams, bearer of so much wonderfully amazing possibility, How are you today? I mean, really, how are you? Are you still feeling that stirring in your soul, that pull to step out into your dream? That same dream that gives you the heebie-jeebies and makes you short of […]
Love by the Book-Part 2
Welcome to Part Two of Love by the Book! If you missed Part One, you can find it here. If you read it last week and took action, I’d love to have you share in the comments how it helped. In honor of love and marriage and to help grow stronger and more satisfying relationships, […]