When you encourage others, you are sowing for the future just as Johnny Appleseed did. Do you remember the legend? This folk hero wandered the west planting thousands and thousands of apple seeds. He knew some would take root and others would not, but that didn’t sway him from his purpose. Being an encourager is […]
Three Ideas to Help Guide You to the Right Decision
I’m excited to introduce you to my guest writer today, especially since he is a friend and past coach: Joel Boggess, of Finding Your Voice Radio. I discovered Joel when I was drowning—again—in a job that didn’t fit, and he helped me see I actually had skills and talent that I could put […]
Dancing out of your comfort zone
Earlier this week, I recommended you S-T-R-E-T-C-H your comfort zone, and gave you the benefits of and ideas for doing so. Some of you found those a bit daunting, and that is ok. It just means you have found an edge of your comfort zone—hooray! To further discover areas that need to be broken through, […]
Take this leap and change your life!
You whip your car into a parking place, rushing again to get to work on time. As you come to a hard stop, your purse tumbles off the seat, its contents disappearing underneath the empty fast-food bags and other clutter on the floor. A strangled sigh of frustration escapes your lips, and tears prick at […]
Pay it forward by pouring it on
Did you ever play with binoculars as a kid? I did, and as I would sweep the rural landscape, I was always amazed at how big and close things became. However, turning the binocs around and looking through the opposite end was a real eye-opener as well. My focus became very small, and details […]
Bear-ly fearless
Fear. We talk about it quite a bit, don’t we, my friends? We can be afraid of so much, and yet when we face it head on, we find it is often just smoke and mirrors, an itty-bitty Chihuahua whose bark is artificially amplified from behind the curtain. Today I am sharing a story I wrote […]
Dear Chihuahua of Fear
photo: www.Photobotos.com Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you. You showed up on my doorstep unannounced and uninvited a long, long time ago, and I took you in. How could I not, with those adorable eyes and cute perky ears? You had a puppy’s firecracker enthusiasm, but […]
Chance the rapids and dance the tide
Holley Gerth has asked us dreamers for a glimpse into our typical day, and how we see God’s hand in the small and ordinary. Come on in, have some coffee and cookies, and join us! I tend to put my happy glasses on in the morning and view the world through them most every […]
A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers
Dear fellow dreamer of dreams, bearer of so much wonderfully amazing possibility, How are you today? I mean, really, how are you? Are you still feeling that stirring in your soul, that pull to step out into your dream? That same dream that gives you the heebie-jeebies and makes you short of […]