I am well acquainted with Stubborn Pride. I have listened to that wheedling, guilt-inducing voice too many times in my life, and it has never ended well. As a matter of fact, I learned some time ago that when I am really struggling with fear of failure, I can find it lurking nearby, working my emotional […]
What does being brave look like?
There are more definitions of bravery than there are shades of grass and colors of the sky. My idea of bravery is quite different from that of a Navy SEAL, which is a world apart from being a cold call, door-to-door salesman. While I may think I want to be unafraid in ways like them, […]
The peril of being Possibility Impaired
Have you ever heard the expression Possibility Impaired? I hadn’t until I read a real estate book by Gary Eldred. He wrote about home owners who couldn’t see the potential—the possibilities—in their properties. I immediately thought about how applicable this phrase was to so much of our lives. Please allow me share a couple […]
Living Beyond Your Comfort Zone
Have you ever felt stuck, and wondered about the possibility of living beyond your comfort zone as a solution? How does that make you feel? Afraid? Irresponsible? Excited? This week I have three pieces to challenge and encourage you. I pray they will breathe life, strength, and courage into your soul! Apathetic Living and […]
When Fear Meets the Pushmi-Pullyu
As wives and moms, you take on a wide variety of roles, including the Pushmi-Pullyu. For reference, a Pushmi-Pullyu is the two-headed llama from the famous Dr. Doolittle series of children’s books. You are probably curious what you could possibly have in common with that creature. When you encourage your loved ones, you do so […]
Richly colored silver linings
Did you know sunny days are not your best friend for taking pictures? It is the cloudy and sometimes even rainy days that bring out the most amazingly saturated hues in the landscape. As a photographer I especially love this weather, as it makes my photos just POP with lush greens, brilliant blues, and deep reds. […]
Bear-ly fearless
Fear. We talk about it quite a bit, don’t we, my friends? We can be afraid of so much, and yet when we face it head on, we find it is often just smoke and mirrors, an itty-bitty Chihuahua whose bark is artificially amplified from behind the curtain. Today I am sharing a story I wrote […]
Dear Chihuahua of Fear
photo: www.Photobotos.com Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you. You showed up on my doorstep unannounced and uninvited a long, long time ago, and I took you in. How could I not, with those adorable eyes and cute perky ears? You had a puppy’s firecracker enthusiasm, but […]
Moving from Scaredy Cat to Too Darn Happy
Folks tend to be curious about how I came to be here as a helper and encourager, so today I’m sharing my story. It’s not nice and neat, and parts are kind of embarrassing, probably much like yours and anyone else’s. My hope is that you draw encouragement to step out to follow your dreams, […]
God-Sized Dreams
Another New Year has arrived! To paraphrase the Grinch: Let’s blow our flu-flubers and bang our tar-tinkers! Let’s shriek, squeak and squeal, racing round on our wheels and dance with jin-tinglers tied onto our heels! Uh huh. Is that what you are thinking, or are you hiding under the bed with your pet dust […]