As I drove past a local college last week, I noticed that they had tapped the stately maples that lined the campus, the old-fashioned metal buckets hugging the large, gray tree trunks. Were one of the science classes running experiments, I wondered, or were culinary students preparing to take part in one of our long-standing […]
Praying in the midst of a storm
Have you ever had a friend or relative suggest prayer-gasp!-as a means of helping you find your way out of the depths of a personal storm? Uh huh. I’m sure you practically bit your tongue off so you didn’t drive them out of your life forever welcomed that suggestion with open arms. Prayer? Really? […]
Sunday Scripture-Gracious words
Proverbs 16:24 New International Version (NIV) 24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Innkeeper secrets revealed! – An introduction
You might be asking yourself why, on a blog dedicated to helping moms build stronger and more satisfying relationships, is Miss Too Darn Happy going to be revealing innkeeping secrets? Glad you asked. Traveling down memory lane recently about a previous life, in which I helped my parents and hubbie to run a large very […]
Giving thanks and putting on the love
On this Thanksgiving day, I am so grateful for the abundance of joy in my life, for my family, my friends and my faith. I give thanks for all of my blessings, large and small, those that bring me smiles and laughter, and especially those that are disguised as challenges and grow me into a […]
Five Minute Friday-Remember
Remember it’s not about the falling down. It’s about what we do when we’re done bouncing on the concrete. It’s about apologizing and moving forward when we lose patience with our children. It’s about finding joy when the days have been dark. It’s about giving thanks for the difficult experiences that grow us. It’s about […]
Life is short . . .let’s go long
In the introduction of More Than Money, author Neil Cavuto notes that greatness is defined not by how we handle all that goes well for us, but how we deal with all that does not. He continues, as he writes about people who have overcome great difficulties in their lives, that what’s vital isn’t the […]
Choose Joy, and living a life that matters
A warm and friendly sweet chocolate welcome to readers coming over from The Gyspy Mama for Five Minute Friday. I usually participate in the Friday funfest, but knew I would be headed out of town early this morning, so I planned a post. Later, I saw the twitter feed mentioned below, “How do you […]
Five minute Friday: Grateful
Every Friday, I join many other bloggers at The Gypsy Mama to write about a topic of her choosing. This week Lisa-Jo suggests: 1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in 3. Go and tell the person who linked up before […]
Five minute Friday-Every Day…
Today is Five Minute Friday, with a nod to The Gypsy Mama, and here what she has to say today: That’s what we do around here on Fridays. We eat words. Straight up. Without second guessing, editing, or critisizing them. We simply savor all their deliciousness. For a full five minutes. You should try it. […]