Starting conversations with your kids-Pillow Journals

Journal on bed-frog cover

How do your conversations go with your school age kids? Let me take a stab at what might pass for a run-of-the-mill give and take between the two of you: How was your day? Ok. What did you do? Nothing. How’s that new class going? <Crickets chirping> Child has exited the building. *Sigh* So how […]

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Choose Joy, and living a life that matters

  A warm and friendly sweet chocolate welcome to readers coming over from The Gyspy Mama for Five Minute Friday. I usually participate in the Friday funfest, but knew I would be headed out of town early this morning, so I planned a post. Later, I saw the twitter feed mentioned below, “How do you […]

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7 Day Stamina Challenge Wrap up

mountain climber statue Skagway AK

Well, well. Wasn’t that an interesting, jam packed full-of-learning week. Anyone who participated in the challenge deserves a pat on the back for stretching those comfort zones so far that we were sure that they might snap us right into next week. Or under the wheels of an oncoming bus. I came away intrigued, in […]

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Final Day of the 7 Day Stamina Challenge

I must admit to being elated when I saw the challenge for Day 7: Eating! Hooray! I love eating. Yes, I know I needed to be the cook, but that was fine. But I get to talk, too. To At With my dear hubbie. Connecting with Keith, over dinner. A wonderful end to the challenge. […]

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7 Day Stamina Challenge: Baring your soul on Day 6

Here we go again, on the roller coaster of growth and change: This isn’t bad. Ok, it’s a little disconcerting. Oh. My. Gosh. I’M GOING TO DIE!!! Whew! Guess not. Let’s do it again! Chug, chug, chug…Where are we? Oh, yes, Day 6: Go public – Tell at least two people about your big, hairy, […]

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7 Day Stamina Challenge: Day 5 and Fraidy-Catness


When I first read about the 7 Day Stamina Challenge, I admit to feeling just a wee bit cocky. It’s that same foolish bravado you experience at the start of a new, ambitious exercise regime. How hard can it be, I asked, when the first challenge was to get up a half hour early? Not […]

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Five minute Friday: In real life

  Ahh, In real life. Every time I hear that phrase I recall three words from a letter our family business received from an upset customer, who was so angry that he wrote, “In rela life”. Rela life. Now if that’s not a metaphor for what we experience every day, I don’t know what is. […]

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Doing different, Stamina Challenge Day 4, and time to tell my story

Bottle blue green waters

I must admit to being completely stumped when I read today’s challenge: Break your routine – Drive a new way to work. Stop at a different place for coffee. Lock your cell phone in your trunk as you drive. Listen to a different station the whole way in; don’t change the channel during a commercial […]

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Stamina Challenge Day 3: How not to rev up your morning walk

how not to rev up your morning walk

  Welcome to Day 3 of the 7 Day Stamina Challenge! For any new readers let me bring you up to speed: We are arising a half hour earlier than our normal time (that’s 4am for me!), writing in our journal, and today, we are enjoying God’s countryside in all its morning glory for a […]

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Excavating a really BIG idea Day, Stamina Challenge Day 2

kim journaling

Welcome to the second installment of the 7 Day Stamina Challenge. I arose a half hour earlier than my regular time, at 4:00am, just like yesterday. I can hear some of you now (I know who you are!): “Are you kidding me? What is the point? 4? People actually get up at 4? It’s dark […]

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