Tool chest coffee table © K. Hall This morning my dear hubbie made an interesting observation. We had held our annual spring cleanup day at church, where we washed windows, scrubbed surfaces, took care of some maintenance issues, freshened some walls with paint, and did what we could to put the parking lot together after […]
[Continue reading...]Five minute Friday-If you met me….
The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge: Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes. Only 5 minutes! Also, no edits! Just write. So here goes . . . If you met me…. I’d try to be on my best behavior, […]
[Continue reading...]The view from down here
Ahhh, the view from the top of a mountain on a crystal clear sunny day. The clarity of the landscape, the rich greens of the fields, the deep blues of the lakes. In regards to just taking your breath away, the view has no equal. Or does it? I would like to suggest that a […]
[Continue reading...]Choosing to break out the joy
Photo © K. Hall Here in the northeast, the cold, raw weather of March has continued its grip on April. I hear lots of grumbling and anger about the snow that still blankets the lawns and lines the roadsides, and about the storm just last week that dumped upwards of 6”-8” of more heavy, wet […]
[Continue reading...]Of God winks and God prods
Photo by K. Hall People talk about God winks, those events during which they are sure that they are sensing the presence of God, often in the form of a positive coincidence in the midst of difficult circumstances their lives. Other people say they are seeing the hand of God at work when circumstances come […]
[Continue reading...]Five minute Friday-A few of my favorite things
The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge: Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes. Only 5 minutes! Also, no edits! Just write. So here goes . . . A few of my favorite things. So much comes to mind, but […]
[Continue reading...]Gifts from the heart: Memory album
Graphic design by daughter Alexis Today is March 31. We are officially well into spring, and yet are on a winter storm warning, looking at the very real possibility of 6-10” of heavy wet snow by tomorrow night. **Sigh.** Rather than retreating to the attic to gaze wistfully at my warmer weather clothes, I will […]
[Continue reading...]Five minute Friday-On waking up
The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge: Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes. Only 5 minutes! Also, no edits! Just write. So here goes . . . I love early mornings. I love awakening to a new day, that fresh […]
[Continue reading...]Welcome Spring!
Spring has arrived! Warm sunshine. Green grass. Crocuses. Gentle breezes. Soft earth that yields to the weight of bare feet. But wait. God is not quite done with winter. He still has some batter in the bottom of his great mixing bowl that he scrapes out and drops down upon the New England landscape. More […]
[Continue reading...]Why did the turkey cross the road?
This road is blissfully frost-heave and turkey free When we drove to church this week, we took what is usually the quickest route, which takes us this time of year along a curvy, wood-lined, frost-heave riddled road. Since it is getting towards spring, the turkeys are out in force, especially in this area. If you […]
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